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Flask Tutorial

Accepting User Input for Predictions

One of the most important tasks in deploying a machine learning model through Flask is accepting user input and using it for making predictions. In a web application, this typically involves accepting data from users via HTML forms, and then passing that data to the machine learning model for prediction. Here’s how you can handle this process in Flask, from accepting input to generating predictions.

  1. Creating a Form for User Input

In a Flask application, you usually collect user input via HTML forms. These forms can collect various types of data, such as text, numbers, or even files, depending on the type of machine learning model and the prediction it requires.

  • Basic HTML Form: Here’s an example of how to create a simple form where users can enter values that will be passed to your model for prediction.

<form action=”/predict” method=”POST”>

    <label for=”feature1″>Feature 1:</label>

    <input type=”text” id=”feature1″ name=”feature1″ required><br><br>


    <label for=”feature2″>Feature 2:</label>

    <input type=”text” id=”feature2″ name=”feature2″ required><br><br>


    <input type=”submit” value=”Predict”>


In this form:

  • action=”/predict” indicates that the form will submit data to the /predict endpoint of your Flask application.
  • The method POST means the form data will be sent in the body of the request, which is ideal for handling user input securely.

2. Accepting User Input in Flask

Once the user submits the form, Flask will capture the data submitted via POST in the request.form object. You can access each of the input fields by referring to their name attribute.

  • Handling POST Request in Flask: Here’s an example of how to handle the form data in Flask and pass it to the machine learning model for prediction:

from flask import Flask, request, render_template

import pickle

import numpy as np

app = Flask(__name__)

# Load the trained model (ensure the model file exists)

with open(‘model.pkl’, ‘rb’) as model_file:

    model = pickle.load(model_file)


def home():

    return render_template(‘index.html’)  # Show the form to the user

@app.route(‘/predict’, methods=[‘POST’])

def predict():

    # Extract user input from the form

    feature1 = float(request.form[‘feature1’])  # Convert input to float (or the expected type)

    feature2 = float(request.form[‘feature2’])

    # Prepare the data in the format expected by the model

    user_input = np.array([[feature1, feature2]])

    # Make prediction using the loaded model

    prediction = model.predict(user_input)

    # Return the prediction to the user

    return f’The predicted value is: {prediction[0]}’

if __name__ == “__main__”:

In this example:

  • The request.form[‘feature1’] and request.form[‘feature2’] capture the values entered by the user in the HTML form.
  • The float() function is used to convert the input values to the expected type (e.g., float for numerical input).
  • The model.predict() method makes a prediction based on the user’s input, and the result is displayed as part of the response.
  1. Handling Data Preprocessing

Before feeding the input data to the machine learning model, you may need to perform some data preprocessing (e.g., scaling, encoding categorical variables, etc.). In a real-world application, this preprocessing step should be the same as what was done during model training.

Example of Preprocessing Before Prediction:

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

# Assuming the model expects scaled data

scaler = StandardScaler()

@app.route(‘/predict’, methods=[‘POST’])

def predict():

    # Extract and preprocess input

    feature1 = float(request.form[‘feature1’])

    feature2 = float(request.form[‘feature2’])

    # Preprocess the input data (e.g., scaling)

    user_input = np.array([[feature1, feature2]])

    user_input_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(user_input)

    # Make prediction using the scaled data

    prediction = model.predict(user_input_scaled)

    return f’The predicted value is: {prediction[0]}’

In this case:

  • scaler.fit_transform() standardizes the input data so that it matches the format expected by the model (assuming you applied scaling during model training).
  1. Returning Predictions to the User

Once the prediction is made, you can send it back to the user. This can be done by rendering a new HTML page or simply returning the result as a string on the same page.

  • Returning Prediction in a Template: You can use Flask’s Jinja2 templating engine to display the prediction dynamically in the HTML page.

@app.route(‘/predict’, methods=[‘POST’])

def predict():

    feature1 = float(request.form[‘feature1’])

    feature2 = float(request.form[‘feature2’])

    user_input = np.array([[feature1, feature2]])

    # Make prediction

    prediction = model.predict(user_input)

    # Pass the prediction to the HTML template for rendering

    return render_template(‘result.html’, prediction=prediction[0])

In the result.html file:

<h1>Prediction Result: {{ prediction }}</h1>

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I accept user input other than text (e.g., file uploads)?
    • Answer: Yes, Flask can handle file uploads (e.g., images, CSV files) using forms. Use request.files to handle file inputs. However, be sure to process the files properly before passing them to your model.
  2. How do I handle missing or incorrect user input?
    • Answer: You should validate user input using request.form.get() with default values, and handle exceptions for invalid input types (e.g., non-numeric inputs) using try/except blocks.
  3. What if the user enters too much data or the wrong format?
    • Answer: You can validate the user input before processing it. For example, check if the data is within expected ranges, if it’s the correct type (e.g., float or int), and if it matches the required format (e.g., date, email).
  4. Can I use a dropdown or radio button for input instead of text fields?
    • Answer: Yes, you can use HTML elements like <select>, <option>, or <input type=”radio”> to allow the user to choose from predefined options. These can be accessed in Flask similarly to text inputs using request.form.
  5. How do I handle large datasets in a form input?
    • Answer: For large datasets, it is better to upload a file (e.g., CSV) instead of using a form with many fields. You can use request.files to handle file uploads and parse them (e.g., using pandas for CSV files) before passing the data to the model.