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Tableau Tutorial
Overview of TableauOverview of Tableau
Key Features and Benefits of TableauKey Features and Benefits of Tableau
Tableau Desktop vs. Tableau Online vs. Tableau ServerTableau Desktop vs. Tableau Online vs. Tableau Server
Navigating the Tableau InterfaceNavigating the Tableau Interface
Intro to Charts in TableauIntro to Charts in Tableau
Introduction to Calculated FieldsIntroduction to Calculated Fields
Common Calculations (e.g., Profit Margins, Growth Rates)Common Calculations (e.g., Profit Margins, Growth Rates)
Best Practices for Calculated FieldsBest Practices for Calculated Fields
Bar ChartBar Chart
Overview of Table CalculationsOverview of Table Calculations
Common Table Calculations (e.g., Running Total, Percent of Total)Common Table Calculations (e.g., Running Total, Percent of Total)
Customizing Table CalculationsCustomizing Table Calculations
Line ChartLine Chart
Aggregations in TableauAggregations in Tableau
Best Practices for AggregationBest Practices for Aggregation
Pie ChartPie Chart
Granularity in TableauGranularity in Tableau
Adjusting Granularity in Your VisualizationsAdjusting Granularity in Your Visualizations
Examples of Granularity in Different ScenariosExamples of Granularity in Different Scenarios
Scatter Plots in TableauScatter Plots in Tableau
Level of Detail (LOD) ExpressionsLevel of Detail (LOD) Expressions
Different Types of LOD Expressions (Fixed, Include, Exclude)Different Types of LOD Expressions (Fixed, Include, Exclude)
Practical Use Cases and ExamplesPractical Use Cases and Examples
Customizing Charts (Colors, Labels, Axes)Customizing Charts (Colors, Labels, Axes)
Introduction to Geographic DataIntroduction to Geographic Data
Creating and Refreshing Extracts in TableauCreating and Refreshing Extracts in Tableau
Benefits of Using Extracts vs. Live ConnectionsBenefits of Using Extracts vs. Live Connections
Creating Basic MapsCreating Basic Maps
Creating Interactive Filters (Dropdowns, Sliders)Creating Interactive Filters (Dropdowns, Sliders)
Using Filter Actions in DashboardsUsing Filter Actions in Dashboards
Customizing Maps (Layers, Annotations, Map Styles)Customizing Maps (Layers, Annotations, Map Styles)
Introduction to DashboardsIntroduction to Dashboards
Designing and Building DashboardsDesigning and Building Dashboards
Adding Interactivity (Actions, Filters)Adding Interactivity (Actions, Filters)
Using Map FiltersUsing Map Filters
Creating a Tableau StoryCreating a Tableau Story
Designing Storyboards for Effective CommunicationDesigning Storyboards for Effective Communication
Formatting in TableauFormatting in Tableau
Customizing Appearance (Colors, Borders, Fonts)Customizing Appearance (Colors, Borders, Fonts)
Best Practices for Dashboard FormattingBest Practices for Dashboard Formatting
Principles of Effective Data VisualizationPrinciples of Effective Data Visualization
Understanding Data Types and Data StructureUnderstanding Data Types and Data Structure
Choosing the Right Visualization for Your DataChoosing the Right Visualization for Your Data
Creating and Formatting ReportsCreating and Formatting Reports
Adding Filters and Parameters to ReportsAdding Filters and Parameters to Reports
Publishing and Sharing ReportsPublishing and Sharing Reports
Practical Use Cases and Examples
1. Comparing Individual Performance to Overall Average
You want to compare individual sales representatives’ performance against the overall average sales, while your dashboard segments data by region.
- Calculation: Use a FIXED LOD expression to compute the overall average sales across all regions:
FIXED : AVG([Sales])
This calculation disregards the current regional segmentation, providing a consistent benchmark for comparison.
- Visualization:
Create a bar chart or table showing each sales representative’s sales figures alongside the overall average. Use color coding or a reference line to highlight the overall average.
Extended Example:
If your dashboard shows regional sales representatives’ performance, add a line or label indicating the overall average sales. This helps identify which representatives are performing above or below the average, allowing for targeted performance reviews.
Use Case:
FIXED LOD expressions are ideal when you need to perform calculations based on a static level of detail that does not change with the dimensions or filters in the view. They are useful for calculating metrics like overall totals or averages that need to remain consistent regardless of the view’s state.
2. Calculating Growth Rates
You need to calculate the growth rate of sales year-over-year, but your view is segmented by month and region.
- Calculation: Use an EXCLUDE LOD expression to compute total sales for the previous year:
EXCLUDE [Month]: SUM([Sales]) (for previous year)
Then calculate the growth rate as:
(SUM([Sales]) – [Previous Year Sales]) / [Previous Year Sales]
This formula computes the percentage change in sales compared to the previous year.
- Visualization:
Create a line chart showing monthly sales for the current year and the previous year. Use a dual-axis to display growth rates as a percentage change.
Extended Example:
Add reference lines to the line chart to highlight key growth milestones or significant changes. This makes it easier to spot trends and seasonal variations in the growth rates.
3. Tracking Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
You want to calculate the lifetime value of customers across different product categories, but your current view is aggregated at the product level.
- Calculation: Use an INCLUDE LOD expression to aggregate sales data by customer and then by product category:
INCLUDE [Customer]: SUM([Sales])
This computes the total sales per customer across all product categories.
- Visualization:
Create a dashboard that shows CLV across different product categories. Use bar charts or pie charts to visualize how CLV is distributed among product categories.
Extended Example:
Include trend lines to track how CLV evolves over time or across customer segments. This helps in understanding which product categories are more valuable to customers and informs strategic decisions.
4. Analyzing Market Share
You want to analyze the market share of each product relative to the total market, while your view is segmented by different product lines.
- Calculation: Use a FIXED LOD expression to compute total market sales:
FIXED : SUM([Sales])
Then calculate the market share for each product as:
SUM([Sales]) / [Total Market Sales]
This formula expresses each product’s sales as a percentage of the total market sales.
- Visualization:
Create a pie chart or stacked bar chart showing the market share of each product. Highlight top-performing products and areas where market share is growing or declining.
Extended Example:
Add filters to your visualization to allow users to select specific time periods or regions. This makes it possible to analyze market share trends in different contexts.
5. Identifying Top Performers
You want to identify the top-performing products across all regions, but your current view only shows sales by region.
- Calculation: Use an EXCLUDE LOD expression to compute total sales for each product across all regions:
EXCLUDE [Region]: SUM([Sales])
This provides a total sales figure for each product, ignoring regional divisions.
- Visualization:
Create a bar chart or a ranking table showing products ranked by total sales. Highlight top-performing products and use color coding to differentiate between high and low performers.
Extended Example:
Incorporate filters or parameters to allow users to adjust the criteria for “top performers,” such as setting thresholds for minimum sales. This helps in identifying top products based on different performance metrics.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: How do FIXED, INCLUDE, and EXCLUDE LOD expressions affect the level of detail in my analysis?
A1: FIXED LOD expressions set a fixed level of detail that is independent of the view’s dimensions. INCLUDE LOD expressions aggregate data including the dimensions present in the view plus additional ones. EXCLUDE LOD expressions aggregate data excluding specific dimensions from the calculation.
Q2: Can I use LOD expressions in combination with other calculated fields?
A2: Yes, LOD expressions can be used in conjunction with other calculated fields. For example, you might use a FIXED LOD expression to calculate total sales and then apply a calculated field to derive profit margins from that total.
Q3: How can I troubleshoot unexpected results from LOD expressions?
A3: Verify the syntax and dimensions used in the LOD expressions. Check for conflicts with other calculated fields or filters. Ensure that your data source is correctly configured and that all necessary dimensions and measures are included in the calculations.
Q4: Are LOD expressions affected by filters in Tableau?
A4: FIXED LOD expressions are not affected by filters in the view, while INCLUDE and EXCLUDE LOD expressions are influenced by filters. Make sure you understand how filters interact with the type of LOD expression you are using.
Q5: Can LOD expressions be used in combination with table calculations?
A5: Yes, LOD expressions can be combined with table calculations to perform complex analyses. For example, you might use an LOD expression to calculate a baseline measure and then apply a table calculation to analyze trends or perform additional aggregations.
Q6: How can I optimize the performance of dashboards using LOD expressions?
A6: Optimize performance by limiting the number of LOD expressions used and ensuring they are applied efficiently. Consider using data extracts to improve processing speed and simplify calculations where possible. Also, be mindful of the complexity of your LOD expressions and their impact on rendering times.