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SQL Tutorial


The SELECT DISTINCT statement is a powerful tool in SQL used to remove duplicate values from your query results. When working with large datasets, you may encounter situations where the same data appears multiple times. The SELECT DISTINCT clause allows you to retrieve only unique records, helping you analyze data more efficiently.

Basic Syntax of the SELECT DISTINCT Statement

The basic syntax for using SELECT DISTINCT is similar to the SELECT statement, with the addition of the DISTINCT keyword:

SELECT DISTINCT column1, column2, …

FROM table_name;

  • SELECT DISTINCT: Specifies that only unique values should be returned.
  • column1, column2, …: Specifies the columns from which to retrieve unique data.
  • FROM: Specifies the table containing the data.

Example of a Simple SELECT DISTINCT Query

Consider a table named students with columns grade and section. If you want to retrieve a list of unique grades from the students table, you would use:


FROM students;

This query returns a list of all unique grades found in the students table.

Using SELECT DISTINCT with Multiple Columns

You can use SELECT DISTINCT with multiple columns. When you do this, the combination of values in the specified columns must be unique for a row to be included in the results. For example, to get a list of unique combinations of grade and section, you would write:

SELECT DISTINCT grade, section

FROM students;

This query returns all unique combinations of grade and section from the students table.

Combining SELECT DISTINCT with Other Clauses

You can combine SELECT DISTINCT with other SQL clauses like WHERE, ORDER BY, and LIMIT. For example, to retrieve distinct grades for students older than 18 and sort them alphabetically, you could use:


FROM students

WHERE age > 18



  1. SELECT DISTINCT is particularly useful when you need to:

    • Avoid Redundant Data: Eliminate duplicates in your result set to get a clearer view of your data.
    • Summarize Data: Create summaries or reports where only unique data is relevant.
    • Identify Unique Entries: Find out which values or combinations of values are distinct in a dataset.

Tips to Remember

  • Default Sorting: If no sort direction is specified, the default is ascending order (ASC).
  • Multiple Columns: When sorting by multiple columns, SQL sorts by the first column first, then by the second column, and so on.
  • Performance Considerations: Sorting large datasets can be resource-intensive. Ensure that columns used in ORDER BY are indexed if you frequently sort on them.
  • Test Sorting: Always check your queries to ensure that sorting is performed as expected, especially when using multiple columns.

Power of Data Organization

  1. Use with Caution: SELECT DISTINCT can be resource-intensive, especially on large tables. Always consider whether it’s necessary to remove duplicates or if filtering the data using other methods might be more efficient.
  2. Combine Thoughtfully: Be mindful when combining SELECT DISTINCT with multiple columns, as the distinctness is determined by the combination of all specified columns.
  3. Performance Considerations: On large datasets, SELECT DISTINCT may slow down your queries. If performance is an issue, consider indexing the columns involved or using other filtering techniques.
  4. Practice on Real Data: Work with real-world datasets to see how SELECT DISTINCT behaves and how it can help you clean up data effectively.

Finding Unique Data in Your Database

  1. The SELECT DISTINCT statement is your go-to tool for isolating unique values in a dataset. Whether you’re cleaning up data, creating reports, or just curious about the diversity in your tables, SELECT DISTINCT provides a clear, concise way to focus on the unique aspects of your data.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What happens if I use SELECT DISTINCT on a single column and the result is empty?
A1: If the result is empty, it means that there are no unique values in that column, or the column itself may be empty or null.

Q2: Can SELECT DISTINCT be used with functions like COUNT?
A2: Yes, you can use SELECT DISTINCT with functions like COUNT to count the number of unique entries. For example:


FROM students;

This query counts the number of unique grades in the students table.

Q3: What is the difference between SELECT DISTINCT and GROUP BY?
A3: SELECT DISTINCT removes duplicate rows based on the specified columns, while GROUP BY groups rows that have the same values in specified columns and allows you to perform aggregate functions on them.

A4: Yes, you can use SELECT DISTINCT in queries that involve JOINs. It will remove duplicate rows from the result set after the JOIN operation.

Q5: Does SELECT DISTINCT work with all SQL databases?
A5: Yes, SELECT DISTINCT is a standard SQL clause supported by all major SQL databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and Oracle.